Now that the state of New Jersey legalized the use of recreational marijuana for adults, several patients have asked how using marijuana can affect their weight loss surgery journey. To start, the use of marijuana should be discussed with your surgeon. Smoking, whether it’s cigarettes or marijuana, is a health risk that can lead to […]
If you’ve overindulged this holiday season and are looking for a fresh start this New Year, you’re not alone. With lots of holiday gatherings, it’s hard not to veer off track a little bit. Rather than searching for a quick fix, cleanse or product, let’s look at some steps to take if you’re trying to […]
Office snacking can be difficult to avoid especially if the break room is filled with snacks, a co-worker has a fully stocked candy jar or someone from accounting is a fantastic baker and brings in the most irresistible baked goods. How do you handle the urge to overindulge and make sure you stay on track […]
Adult obesity and childhood obesity rates have continued to rise over the past 20 years. Because obesity can pose immediate and future health risks, parents and caregivers are looking for answers to how they can help their children live a healthier and happier life. . In the United States, 1 in 5 children or about […]
Patients who plan to have gastric sleeve or bypass often ask if they have to go on a liquid diet before surgery. When I say yes but only the day before the procedure, it’s often met with a look of surprise and then relief. A quick google search usually explains their reaction. Many websites discuss […]
We’ve been living a pandemic life for more than a year now. Maybe we’ve paid less attention to choices like what we wear each day or how much we’ve been snacking. Talking to friends, family and patients, gaining the “COVID 19” has become something of a running joke until the call comes to head back […]
“How often should I meet with the registered dietitian?” “Is it necessary to continue visits after I start losing weight?” These are questions the New Jersey Bariatric Center’s registered dietitians get asked all the time. Our answer is always the same - weight loss after surgery is a marathon, not a sprint. Obesity is a disease […]
You’ve made the decision to have bariatric surgery and you’re excited about all the positive changes you’ll be making. Then it hits you, does this mean I will have to be giving up my favorite foods? No you don’t need to commit to giving up your favorite foods forever, and if you’re concerned about this, […]
“How long is the recovery after bariatric surgery?” is one of the most frequently asked questions I hear from patients when they’re thinking about weight loss surgery, whether it’s gastric sleeve or gastric bypass procedure. They want to know what to expect - both in the hospital and when they return home. Below is all […]
During the winter you may feel less motivated to stay on track with weight loss. The thought of hitting the gym or going for a walk can be less tempting when it’s snowing or extremely cold outside. And, if you’ve been consuming more calories you may have noticed those extra pounds start creeping up. […]
How many people make goals in the beginning of the year only to lose sight of them after a few months or even a few weeks? Here's how to have more accountability to achieve your goals using the SMART goal technique: Specific: When you make a goal specific, there is a clear way to tell […]
Have you ever had a sudden urge to have a certain food or drink immediately or in a particular moment? Such as, while watching your favorite TV show you felt the need to have a chocolate chip cookie. Yes - then you’ve experienced a craving. Here’s a look at what causes cravings, how to […]