New Jersey Bariatric Center
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A Second Chance at Weight Loss: Revision Surgery Webinar

For some patients, bariatric surgery is the jump start they need to lose and sustain weight loss. But for others, sometimes, no matter how hard you work, life’s circumstances get in the way and you need a second chance.  The stressors of life, old eating habits and now a global pandemic can make the journey tougher, the weight starts creeping on and with that, the weight-related health concerns once again become top of mind. 

At New Jersey Bariatric, we provide patients with the tools for a second chance at weight loss. And, starting this month we are hosting a live webinar for you to learn about revision options from one of our fellowship trained bariatric surgeons.

The webinar is for people who have gained the weight back or who were not able to lose the amount of weight they wanted after bariatric surgery to learn about the weight loss surgery revision procedures and medical weight loss choices available to them. 

Obesity is a disease that weight loss surgery does not cure. Surgery, whether gastric band, gastric sleeve or gastric bypass is a tool, along with a healthy diet and exercise, to help you lose weight and get healthy. For more information about your second chance at weight loss, sign up for our free webinar here.



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